Wessels Plant Hire | Ian Dickie | Rollers | Generators | Pantsulas | Drills | Pokers | Mixers | Skidsteers | Gaborone | Botswana
Wessels Plant Hire | Ian Dickie | Rollers | Generators | Pantsulas | Drills | Pokers | Mixers | Skidsteers | Gaborone | Botswana Wessels Plant Hire | Ian Dickie | Rollers | Generators | Pantsulas | Drills | Pokers | Mixers | Skidsteers | Gaborone | Botswana

Operator training available by arrangement with Wessel or Joseph on 71306583 .

Training done on site or at Wessels Plant Hire workshop.

Training includes practice on machine operation, safety precautions and preventative maintenance.

Each person is certified and awarded with a certificate of achievement.